Pinellas County

County Justice Center

Clearwater, Florida

The project for the County Justice Center (CJC) Courthouse and attached Annex Building is a $69,000,000 design criteria package located at 14250 49th Street North, Clearwater, Florida on the East and the South side of the main County Justice Center. Dewberry Architects was an Associate Architectural firm who participated with us on this effort. The project was eventually completed by a separate design build team led by Creative Contractors.

The Courthouse was originally built starting in 1982, with a major court addition in 1996. The total floor area of the complex includes approximately 533,773 gross square feet. Significant portions of the existing building are being renovated including Jury Assembly and the Clerk's Department for a total of 79,000 GSF.  A new 76,540 GSF Courthouse Annex building that houses Family Court and Judicial Administration is being constructed adjacent and connected to the existing courthouse complex.  A new 5,000 GSF main entrance addition and secure lobby reorient visitor access to the complex.